Saturday 2 July 2011

Simple Plant cell

Here is  a simple plant cell:

There are six parts of a plant cell.
A plant cell is a bit different to an animal cell.
A plant cell has a:
Nucleus - Controls everything the cell does and contains the information needed to make a new organism.
Cell Membrane - Controls what goes in and out of the cell.
Cytoplasm - Where chemical reactions take place.
Chloroplasts - Contain a green substance called chlorophyll which absorbs the suns energy. The energy from the sun is needed for photosynthesis.
Vacuole - Contains a weak solution of salts and sugars. This is called cell sap.
Cell wall- Contains cellulose which gives the plant cell strengh and support

What are the similarities between a plant cell and an animal cell?
Well, a plant cell and an animal cell both have a nuclues, cell membrane and cytoplasm.


Simple Animal Cells

Here is a basic animal cell:
There are three main parts of an animal cell:

Cytoplasm - This is where chemical reactions take place.

Cell Membrane: Controls what goes in and out of the cell.

Nuclues: This controls everything the cell does and contains the information needed to make a new organism.